Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Glam in the City

Here's some pics I took of Peter Glam on his first week in Dublin, it was a very pissy day and we wandered around Temple Bar looking for shelter. We found an exhibition in the Dublin Photography place in Meeting House Square, it was the shittest selection of pictures all in once place which we nicknamed 'chavs in inclimate weather' - with that in mind here is a Glam chav in very inclimate weather..


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Quick Update

We've been pretty lazybones lately and have no geniune excuses to over apart from being... lazy. But there's good new afoot at Peter Glam has now joined me and James in Dublin. Here's photographic evidence.

He is having some couch time on a very rainy day and watching Four Weddings and a Funeral for what may be the first time (he's not quite sure.) Three GIANT army tanks just went by down George's Street but we couldn't find a camera in time so you'll have to take our word for it.
